The Myth of the Dream Job With Lauren McGoodwin, CEO of Career Contessa

Lauren McGoodwin

Lauren McGoodwin is the Founder and CEO of Career Contessa, a trusted career resource that helps working women be more fulfilled, healthy, and successful at work. She is the host of The Career Contessa Podcast, an educator, and the author of Power Moves: How Women Can Pivot, Reboot, and Build a Career of Purpose. Before Career Contessa, Lauren was a university recruiter for Hulu focused on hiring, employer branding, and program management. 

Lauren has a bachelor's degree in education from the University of Oregon and a masters in communication management from the University of Southern California.

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn: 

  • Lauren McGoodwin talks about her interest in developing women’s careers

  • The origin of Career Contessa and how it works

  • How career empowerment for women has changed over a decade 

  • How Career Contessa approach meets the unique career needs of different women

  • Lauren shares success stories of Career Contessa 

  • Why people should stop chasing their dream job

  • Financial considerations when making career decisions 

  • Why Lauren started The Career Contessa Podcast

In this episode…

Even after achieving all the traditional prerequisites for success and having well-established careers, many women still feel lost and confused. So how can millennial women find purpose in their work or even pivot into new industries? How can they build meaningful careers on their terms?

According to Lauren McGoodwin, the lack of career resources for women is the leading cause of their poor career development. Lauren faced many struggles that made her question her direction. It led her on a remarkable journey, helping solve the problems that women face in their careers. She launched Career Contessa out of her master’s thesis project and then turned it into a website with actionable career advice and valuable resources. Now she shares how she helps millions of women from diverse backgrounds develop their careers and find fulfillment in their work.

In this episode of Reclaim Your Career, Jess Galica is joined by Lauren McGoodwin, Founder and CEO of Career Contessa, to discuss how women can develop in their careers. Lauren talks about her interest in women’s career development, how the narrative of career empowerment for women has changed with time, and how Career Contessa caters to the unique career needs of different women when providing advice.

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This episode is brought to you by Reclaim Your Career. 

At Reclaim Your Career, we know that for women, figuring out how to thrive in your career is harder than it’s ever been before. Even the most high-performing women, who do everything “right,” can wake up feeling lost. 

That’s why we support women by helping them manage, reinvent, and accelerate their careers through coaching and strategic advice.

These days we hear from women leaders all the time: it feels impossible to balance work and life. You’re not alone! But, we’re here to tell you that it’s not only possible — it’s within your reach. 

So, if you’re ready to do things differently and redefine the traditional success narrative, head to to get started.

If you want to learn even more, check out our founder’s book about life-changing career moves for women. (If you don’t see it yet, it will be there soon!)


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